King Charles III of Britain gets angry again. This time about a pen that leaked.

During the signing ceremony, this time in Northern Ireland, a leaky pen made King Charles III of Britain angry again. Charles showed some of his anger when he went to Northern Ireland on Tuesday as part of the UK’s tour to mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II. He had been clearly annoyed during the last two sessions like this, and it was the same this time.

Charles went to Northern Ireland on his first trip as king. Before he made his own promise to the area, people cheered and said nice things to him.

But when the ink from the pen he was holding dripped on his hand as he sat down to sign a visitor’s book at Hillsborough Castle outside of Belfast, he was caught on camera getting very angry.

Oh my God, I hate this pen so much!

“Charles was heard saying this as he stood up and handed his wife and Queen Consort, Camilla, the pen.

Camilla said, “Oh, look, it’s going everywhere” when Charles washed his hands.

Charles walked away and said, “This bloody thing is too much for me.” “each and every time.

Charles was in a similar situation at his proclamation ceremony when a pen box on the table got in the way of him doing his paperwork. He clenched his teeth and told his helpers to move the desk.

Reuters said that before Charles became king, his former assistant said that even though he could be funny, he was also irritable and demanding.

Reports say that Charles wrote the wrong date on the paperwork he filled out on Tuesday. He checked with an assistant, who told him that the date should have been September 12, not September 13.

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